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Monday, February 22, 2010

I'd Like My Life Back Please

Have you ever been so tired you could sleep for a couple of days? I'm getting to the point where I'm tired of being tired. Working this many hours per week is crazy. I've been working since January 4th and have had 4 days off (one of which I was sick and couldn't function). I'm ready for a break!

I have learned a ton, and I've met lots of people so I can't say that I regret working all of these hours and having zero life.

There have been a couple of nights of bad decisions and then you regret it the next morning, but at least the other guilty parties are suffering too. Those few nights I actually felt like I had a life. It was refreshing.

I'm ready to get my weekends back. I don't really remember what it's like to have a lazy Sunday...

Maybe sometime within the next month I'll update you all on what's I have found in the NOLA area. For now, you'll have to deal with my venting about working non stop.