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About Me

A few things people should know about me...

-I am a woman in a man's world (meaning refining)
-I love photography - if I could quit my job I would be a photographer
-I love traveling - so far I have been to 6 countries in 4 months with many more to come
-I miss my family while I'm traveling - that's the worst part of my job
-Most people mistake my little sister for my daughter.  I do not have a child.
-I used to take horseback riding lessons for about 8 years.  I really miss it.
-I love Mexican food!
-While in Europe, I discovered that I miss having ice in my drinks and getting water for free.
-I think Paris, France is my favorite city in Europe.  But I also loved Prague, Rome, and Dubrovnik...  

-I normally sing out loud in my car
-For some reason I like John Mayer...
-Chicago is my favorite US city
-I'm a cat person.  Dogs are ok, but sometimes they have way too much energy for me.  However, I do miss my puppy Bindi.  (She's not a puppy anymore...)
-My cat, who lives with my parents right now, is pretty amazing.  She has an attitude problem and beats up the other cats if they don't let her eat first.