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Sunday, November 28, 2010

My Christmas Wish

Alright, so most of you know or at least you should know that I am currently in China.  Personally I consider where I am to be my worst assignment by far.  I would take swamps and Louisiana heat over this crap.  At least the food is delicious down there.  And I bet being in Poland right now would be kinda nice, I mean it isn’t home but it would be better than here.  There I would feel right at home, go to church, celebrate Advent.  Eat my usual Christmas Eve meal (pierogies and other Eastern European goodness)…  I am really hoping that I will be home for Christmas.  I would be ecstatic if I was on a plane by Christmas Eve.  Last Christmas I didn’t get to go home either, and spent my time in Texas helping people out of ditches.  I can’t express how happy I would be to spent time with my whole family.  My entire family hasn’t been together since Easter.  That is the longest we have ever gone I think.

Anyway, my goal is that this project is complete by Christmas.  I sincerely hope that isn't wishful thinking... 

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