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Saturday, January 15, 2011

24 and Not Traveling Quite as Much

Alright, for those of you who didn't know - I got a new job with a new company.  I am now located in the US permanently until I decide to go on vacation somewhere.  I'm living in West Virginia and working in Kentucky.  This part of the country was where I was originally born, so I've come full circle.  I started work on Monday - Jan 10.  So far so good!  I really like the people.  I haven't really spent much time in my units at all.  I spent the first half of my week doing safety training.  Hopefully this week I'll get to go meet more of the operators and learn more about my units.

Anyway, if anyone wants to come visit me please let me know!  In the summer/fall there is some of the best white water rafting only an hour and a half away from me.  And I'm in the foothills of the Appalachian mountains so there's lots of hiking.  I'm really looking forward to doing all of that when it's a little warmer.  For now I think I'll stick to indoor activities.

Hope everyone had a good New Year's!

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