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Saturday, January 2, 2010

Finding Inner Peace

Originally uploaded by foto4lizzie
Have you ever been in an airplane at night and been able to stare at the moon above the clouds? It seems so bright with the clouds reflecting the light and the moon itself is bright. For some reason the moon always seemed brighter to me in December/January. It might just be the clear crisp night that adds to the brightness.

I don't know if any of you have heard the song The Holly and The Ivy by George Winston, but you should listen to it if you can. That song along with a clear cold night and a bright moon - the whole thing is so peaceful.

I've been struggling to find that place, and I realized this morning that one of the places I always find that place is in church. One great thing about being Catholic is that the mass is always the same (for the most part). So what I hear in Chicago or West Lafayette or New Orleans is going to be the same, or about the same, for my family - all of them. I feel most connected there, and not just to my family but to the spiritual me, and to the people who need a prayer.

I'm not one to speak about my faith and beliefs, they are what they are and I know what they are. And that's enough for me. What do you believe? One of my friends has "God is love" as her religious view on facebook, and I think that is very well put.

1 comment:

  1. I agree...of all the stupid things I do or have done I feel that all is well when I'm at church. It's a good feeling...and we finally got the piano cleaned off here at home so I was just playing The Holly and the Ivy a couple days ago.
