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Monday, July 19, 2010

Poznań Trip

This weekend, Meagan and I ventured to the west side of Poland.  We made the 2.5 hour trip to Poznań.  In the middle of the trip my GPS freaked out because there are new highways not on the map.  So I decided to follow all of these people going the same way.  Sadly I believe they were all part of a wedding party that were on their way to the reception or church or something.  There were tons of people packed into the cars and they were all going to this small town... I should've known better than to follow them!  Oh well, they kind of helped me out.  Meagan and I figured it out from there and were on our way again.

Beer and Peanuts
Our first stop after we checked into our hotel was the hotel restaurant.  Apparently they had tex-mex.  We tried it.  It failed.  The fajitas had a curry flavor.  I burned my finger on the iron plate they give you with the meat and vegetables.  The nachos were lacking.  But at least we got beer and peanuts!

We went to pretty much every church in the town.  The first one we went to was Parish Church - it was so beautiful!  There was also this cathedral that was built between 968-1000.  It was a really old church.  I was kind of confused by the statues of some of the archbishops.  It looks like the bishop is straight-up chillin.  

Supposedly Poznań was the birthplace of Poland.  The royals lived there until a certain time, at which point they decided to move to Krakow.  
Meagan with man and his best friend the cougar
Stary Rynek
Stary Rynek

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