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Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I found paradise

Have I ever mentioned that there are sometimes I love my job?  Extremely early Friday morning I left Warsaw for Dubrovnik, Croatia.  I had heard good things about Dubrovnik, unfortunately not all of them were completely true.  I'm pretty sure this is what my heaven would be like if I died.  The Adriatic Sea is so blue and clear - it is absolutely amazing.  Old City in Dubrovnik has tons of great picture taking opportunities.  My hotel is the best in the city - at least I'm convinced it is.  I sincerely wish I didn't have to go to work on Monday.  I'd stay here for forever.
One of the pools at the hotel
So my flight to Dubrovnik was interesting.  As I was in line waiting to board the plane, I realized that Gabourey Sidibe - the girl who played Precious in the movie Precious - was standing a few people in front of me.  Sadly I didn't get an autograph or a picture taken with her.  I left her alone, as I'm sure she wanted to be.  However, I did help her get her luggage off of the carousel at the Dubrovnik Airport. 

When I got to Dubrovnik I took a cab to the hotel, and my taxi driver was the nicest guy.  He was pointing things out as we went along, he told me a brief history of the city, and he gave me suggestions of what I should do with my time here.  He said the most important thing was to relax and enjoy every minute.  I took his advice.

I slept a lot - finally.  I laid in the sun and tried to remember to put sunscreen on every 30 minutes.  I was doing ok until I fell asleep by the sea this afternoon... Oops.  I had sushi and Croatian shrimp (which is actually crawfish...)  and both were very fresh and delicious.  I made a few friends out at the pool today.  Overall this has been the best weekend I've had.  I'd say it outranks Prague.  Don't get me wrong, I loved Prague, but it is no Dubrovnik.  I'd love to come back as soon as I can.
Old City of Dubrovnik

1 comment:

  1. Sounds quite amazing!! And looks beautiful! I miss you. If you ever need someone to "listen" feel free to e-mail me! :)
