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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The one about food and the enormous spider

There are moments when I really love my family.  Ok, for the most part I love my family.  This weekend we celebrated my grandma's 89th birthday!  Today is actually her birthday - so happy birthday Grandma!  She didn't give my aunts and uncles any ideas for dinner and what she wanted to eat, so I told them what I wanted.  I asked for fruit, corn, and beef.  And what did I get?? Shrimp, corn, beef, fruit, veggies, more corn, and of course there was birthday cake.  I asked for corn on the cob, and there was a ton leftover.  It tasted so good!  Over Labor Day weekend I visited my immediate family in Missouri, and my dad grilled hamburgers and bbq chicken and it was sooooooooooooooooooooooo good.  The sad part was that they left the extra chicken in the microwave (it didn't finish grilling when my dad ran out of gas) and Lillie didn't like the alarm reminding us that something was done cooking.  So she turned it off.  And because she did that we forgot to get the chicken out of the microwave and put it in the fridge.  My leftovers were ruined. :-(

The other totally unrelated note is regarding this HUGE spider I saw in my hotel room this morning.  And no, I am not in India yet.  The spider's body was freaking ginormous.  And with it's legs it had to be about 2 inches long (if it were a circle, it would have a 2 inch diameter).  Just thinking about it gives me the creeps!  Seriously - I could've died this morning.  I just hope he doesn't scare the cleaning lady as much as he scared me.  I didn't kill it with a shoe because I was scared he would take the shoe out of my hand and start beating me with it.

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