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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Next Assignment

For those of you who do not know yet - I am going to Panipat India next.  I'm not sure when I leave yet and I'm not sure how excited I am about the assignment.  I am excited to see India.  I've wanted to go there for quite some time.  I hope to make it to the Taj Mahal and spend a few days shopping and wandering around New Delhi.  I've heard really good things about some of the markets in New Delhi.  I plan on buying lots of beautiful fabric!  Hopefully I get the chance to explore things.  Panipat isn't really that close on Indian roads.  The roads are supposed to be pretty terrible... :-/

I will be sure to take lots of pictures when I'm not at work and to write blogs when I can.  I can't promise a blog every week or anything.  I was told that the power cuts out 6-10 times a day unless I'm staying in the refinery guest houses.  It will definitely be an interesting few months...

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