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Sunday, March 28, 2010

Tour of New Orleans

I realize this is supposed to be a blog about my travels and I haven't really written about what I've done since I've been down here.  And since I'm supposedly leaving soon, I figured it may be time to tell everyone what I did when I wasn't at work.

So here's my tour of New Orleans...

For all of the pictures you can go to my Flickr site -

Mississippi River
There's a nice river walk down in New Orleans that winds along the Mississippi river.  I went down there the first weekend I was here and explored some by myself.
French Quarter
Then I wandered down to the French Quarter, near Bourbon Street.
Garden District
My favorite area of New Orleans is definitely the Garden District.  There are tons of shotgun houses and parks and street cars.  Tulane and Loyola are down in that area as well.  I wandered through Audubon Park.  I've been told the zoo is pretty good.  I never made it over there.  Lots of great little shops to wander through on Magazine St. as well!
There are tons of cemeteries down in New Orleans - St. Louis, Metairie, etc.  I went with one of the other engineers to go take pictures and wander through to see some of the older tombs.  They recommend not to go by yourself because there might be people waiting to mug you - I decided not to test that theory...
A Little Further West - Oak Alley Plantation
Closer to the refinery there is a lot of sugar cane farm land.  And with the farm land comes the plantations.  I went to Oak Alley - it's pretty well known.  The lane up to the house is lined with the huge oak trees.  The trees are hundreds of years old.  And I happened to tour the house while they still had Christmas decorations up - so pretty!
I did a few other things around the area.  Went on my first motorcycle ride, went to the DDay Museum (which was pretty awesome, go see the movie they have!), and ate lots of food.  I had alligator for the first time ever.  I had coffee at Cafe Du Monde.  I think I covered most of New Orleans.  The only thing I'm missing is the swamp - maybe next time?

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Off to Walmart

You know what I dislike more than most things? A chatty cashier/sales person. I know it's their job to talk to you and get you to buy something, but come on. Can't I shop in silence??

I went to Walmart last night, which is always interesting in Louisiana. I was at the checkout and the cashier decided to comment on everything I had in my cart. I knew she was like that - I'd been to her before. I even mentally made a note that I really didn't want to go to her anymore, but her line was the shortest...

So when she was tired of commenting on all of the food in my cart she asked me what I did. I told her I was an engineer at one of the refineries. She asked me if I had to wear the jumpsuits. I told her I did. And she replies with "but you're too pretty to wear those". I didn't really know how to respond because it completely caught me off guard. I told her they were required for safety.

I know it's just some random lady who works at Walmart, but she kind of made my night.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Ugh I'm such a girl...

Do you ever do something and wonder how it'll affect you later? Have you ever made a decision and because of that decision your life changed?

I recently made a decision that has really been affecting me if I have time to think about it. When I'm busy, I don't have the chance to think about how I'm not doing something anymore, or how I've lost a major part of my life. I was depending on this part of my life too much, and when I realized that I shouldn't, it was like someone took the chair out from underneath me and I fell to the floor. Do you know how bad it hurts when you hit the floor? Unfortuantely ice won't help numb my pain, I just have to deal with it.

What's really bad is that I knew things wouldn't change, yet I still went for it. Things didn't change and now I'm pissed off at myself. I'm pissed that I didn't learn from my mistakes and that I let myself get attached (again) and here I am broken - again. Sometimes I don't think I'm smart at all - I wonder why Purdue gave me a degree. I'm guessing it is because engineer is pretty straightforward, and emotions are not.

It kind of reminds me of the part of the Sex in the City movie where Miranda is trying to do a pros and cons of her marriage and then gets foam on her lip from her drink and decides to go for it. There was no logical reason for that, it was purely emotional. I totally get it, and I always fall for it.

I need a rule book for my feelings. But if I had one, would I follow the rules? Aren't rules made to be broken?

Friday, March 5, 2010

This is the life...

I went to the spa for the first time in my life today. I can't believe what I've been missing out on! I went with one of the engineers I've been working with - it was a fun girls day that we'd been looking forward to for weeks. We got the works: manicure, pedicure, facial and a massage. I was a little worried about the massage - the masseuse was a man and I wasn't really sure what to expect. Let's just say he was amazing. I almost asked him to move in with me. :-)

I recommend the hot stone massage to anyone who might be thinking about a massage. Especially if you just came out of a turnaround or intense equipment checkout. But - word of caution - don't do it if you have lots of bruises from climbing in and around things. That could be painful...

Look for more regular entries - now that I'm moving back to a normal work schedule I may have the effort to make more entries. I'm really looking forward to my first weekend off in a while. Wish me luck with all of the new-found free time!