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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Off to Walmart

You know what I dislike more than most things? A chatty cashier/sales person. I know it's their job to talk to you and get you to buy something, but come on. Can't I shop in silence??

I went to Walmart last night, which is always interesting in Louisiana. I was at the checkout and the cashier decided to comment on everything I had in my cart. I knew she was like that - I'd been to her before. I even mentally made a note that I really didn't want to go to her anymore, but her line was the shortest...

So when she was tired of commenting on all of the food in my cart she asked me what I did. I told her I was an engineer at one of the refineries. She asked me if I had to wear the jumpsuits. I told her I did. And she replies with "but you're too pretty to wear those". I didn't really know how to respond because it completely caught me off guard. I told her they were required for safety.

I know it's just some random lady who works at Walmart, but she kind of made my night.

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