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Monday, August 23, 2010

How about the zoo?

So my last full day in Płock, Meagan, Kathy, Ellen and I went to the zoo.  It costs 6 PLN to get in - so like $2 and I didn't have high expectations.  I was pleasantly surprised!  There were all sorts of animals - even 4 giraffes.    We believe the elephant may have passed.  There was a place for it, but on the sign there was a date.  If I would've learned more Polish while I was there it may have been useful... Oh well.

I told Kathy she should try to climb into the kangaroo they had at the playground - and of course she did.  She may or may not have had a tough time getting out of the kangaroo... Oops...
And when you go to see the penguins there was this cute Madagascar thing - so Meagan and I insisted that Kathy and Ellen go for pictures.
Our favorite stop was the red-butt monkeys.  We stopped to watch them play for a little while, or at least long enough to watch people feed them cheetos.  Then security finally made their way over and stopped the people from feeding the monkeys.  The cheetos caused quite a stir in the monkey cage - they were a few fights.
This blog would not be complete without a callout to the donkey who loves Boris.  When Boris and Atif went to the zoo, the donkey sprinted while "hee-hawing" over to Boris.  So we had to stop and meet the donkey who really liked Boris.  He was, by far, the loudest animal in the zoo.  You could hear him anywhere.

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