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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Good, The Weird, and the Uglier than Ugly

Alright - I've been trying to stay positive during my week in China, but I need to vent.

I'll start with the good...
- I really like the people who do my laundry.  They are the cutest little couple and are trying to learn one word of English every time I go in to drop off or pick up my laundry.  
- I love my hotel bathroom (you'll see why later on..)
- The food is pretty good most of the time.  I found a new favorite restaurant.
- I'm probably going to lose a good amount of weight for Stacy's wedding.
- Right now I'm working nights, so I get cooler weather and don't sweat as much.
- The Korean restaurant owner is pretty cool - she sits and drinks and tries to learn English with us
- I get to see the sunrise when I work nights.

The weird...
- I saw a guy riding a banana cart around town today.  
- I get stared at all of the time.
- There was a flock of sheep being herded down the highway the other day
- It's so loud here! I didn't think it was possible for a city to be louder than Chicago, but it is.
- I can't get used to brushing my teeth with bottled water.  I always go for the sink first.

The really really really ugly...
- The eastern toilet at work is so gross.  I think an outhouse looks better at the moment.  There are no doors on the stalls.  The only positive point is that it is winter = cold and the odor of the remaining excrement probably would smell worse in warm weather.  Oh and I guess the other "positive" part is that I'm on nights so there are less people and I have more privacy. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh goodness! Love the reflections, aren't the people always the best part? Either their warmth or their eccentricities? I must say though - the staring... you don't ever get used to it, at least I never did in India. I hope you are having fun though!!
