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Saturday, October 16, 2010

Sex in the City Parallels

As some of you may know, I like watching Sex in the City.  A few years ago I didn’t understand the draw to the show, but now I get it.  Recently I watched the series finale when Carrie goes to Paris with Aleksander Petrovsky.  At one point she calls Miranda and the conversation she has is exactly how I feel about traveling sometimes.  Those two episodes I can really identify with – she gets homesick and I feel like I’m in a constant state of homesick-ness.  I wonder how I did it when my parents moved.  I guess it helped that I could pick up the phone and call whenever.  Here I have to schedule when I call and then hope that my internet connection will allow me to make the call.  And when I was in Chicago I had most of my friends close by.  Here, I have a few work friends.  But it is not the same. 

I miss my Kankakee friends – especially since I’ve been reminiscing about Purdue’s Homecoming last year… J  I miss my Purdue friends even thought they’re scattered all over the country/world.  I remember our trips to the winery and the crazy times at Devonshire.  Ahhh the good ole days… 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Ha so I wanted to add more to what I originally said. I miss you so much! And Even though my traveling is much less different than yours (on the west coast now). I totally get missing friends. Take care!
