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Friday, October 8, 2010

Liaoyang China

Well I made it.  However, if you read my blog regularly you may not know where I am because I've been pretty bad about updating.  I am now in Liaoyang China.  I made it here on Thursday October 7.  It took a few days to get here.  I left from Chicago on October 5th at 8:40am, landed in San Francisco around 10:40 or so - still on October 5th.  Took off for Beijing around 11:50am (San Francisco time) and landed at 3:00pm on October 6th.  Somewhere I skipped a half a day.  Spent the night in Beijing, took another plane the next day to get to Shenyang and then someone from the company we are working with took us to Liaoyang.

China is.... well... interesting.  The first thing you notice is how overcast/smoggy it is.  In Liaoyang you can normally see the sun, which is nice.  But it is smoggy.  You can't see the hills just outside of town.  I didn't even know they were there until we drove by them on the way home from work yesterday.

Liaoyang is a "small" town in China, only a population of 1.7 million.  A lot of the stores close around 6pm and the streets are empty by 11pm.  There are hardly any quiet moments during the day.  There is constant honking.  The driving here is absolutely insane.  Any chance that you have to get ahead of someone else, you take.  I think that pretty much sums up how people drive.  Oh - and lanes mean nothing here.  It is scary.

Going to do a little sight-seeing today.  I'll take lots of pictures.

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