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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Another Important Lesson Learned

I forgot to mention two other important lessons I have learned since I have been in Poland.

Additional Lesson 1:
Polish Mexican food is not even close to Mexican food.  I ordered a burrito, and I got a fried envelope filled with chicken and vegetables.  It was like a pot pie served with a side of salsa.  It was absolutely ridiculous!!  There was even a brussel sprout in my burrito.  

Additional Lesson 2:
There are "Native Americans" in Warsaw.  It was a little crazy.  A little stroll through Old Town led to me being curious about this group surrounding these street performers.  I wandered over and sure enough, there were native americans who spoke polish playing their flutes and wearing head dresses and dancing.  Who would've thought?

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Life Lessons I Learned This Weekend

I learned all of these lessons over a few bottles of wine and some hard liquor this weekend... :-)  It was me, another younger UOP advisor, and an older more life-experienced gentleman.  Most of this advice is from him.  Enjoy!

Lesson 1: If you have to have the DTR (Define The Relationship) talk with a guy, then he obviously doesn't like you enough to deserve you.  He should ask you to be his girlfriend before you ask where you stand in his view.

Lesson 2: If the chemistry is not good, it is not worth wasting your time to try to make it better.  Forget about it and move on.

Lesson 3:  Wine is negative calories.  The more you drink the more weight you lose and the better you feel.

Lesson 4:  I am on a paid holiday because the location is so great.

Lesson 5: The Italians think less of me because my extra long nomex is frayed because I step on it all of the time.  I see their point.  However - I really don't care what my nomex looks like.  I climb through columns and vessels and come out filthy and the last thing I am worried about is if someone notices the frayed legs of my nomex.  

A Day at the Movies (in Poland of course)

So today** I went to the movies in Plock with one of my friends.  We went to see Nocna Randka staring Tina Fey and Steve Carell.  It was really funny and in English!!!  There were Polish subtitles but the movie was in English!! I'm ecstatic that I won't miss seeing Sex in the City 2.  Most of the movies are shown in English with Polish subtitles.  They are only dubbed in Polish if they are cartoons.

Anyway, Date Night was good.  I'd recommend it if you want a good laugh.  But I love Tina Fey!  :-)

I also spent part of the weekend in a medieval castle.  We went to see it, and didn't realize you normally have to pay to get in to see the medieval armor and weapons exhibit.  But of course, we went on a day of a festival where they let everyone in for free!!  Yay!!  The whole thing was in Polish, but we got to go into a castle built in the 1200s and it was only an hour drive to get there.  Not a bad way to spend an afternoon... 

**I started writing this May 16 and then didn't finish it until now... :-)  Sorry for any confusion!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Another Drive Through Poland

I decided to spend my weekend in a different city - sometimes I need a change of pace. And besides, my goal is to see most of Poland before I leave. So why not?

I went to Wroclaw, which is in southwest Poland. It is the greenest city in Poland. They have more park land per person than any other city. They also had a botanical garden, which interested me. I like taking pictures of things that can't move - like flowers. It's easier for me! :-)

I only spent one night there, and it rained on Saturday evening. But at least my hotel was AMAZING! The room was really small, but I didn't mind that at all. I'm only one person. There were a couple different tv channels that had English shows/movies with Polish subtitles. From what I have seen in Plock - there are movie channels with the movies in English, but there is someone speaking in Polish over the actors. So you can hear the actors speaking English, but the Polish is so overpowering you can't actually make out the conversation. It is really annoying.

So you know how I mentioned in a previous blog that you have to insert your hotel key to turn on the lights - same thing at this place too!

After a great breakfast at the hotel, (there was a ton of fresh fruit), and meeting a few Americans from New York, I made my way back to Plock. I decided to take my time - there was no need to rush back. So I stopped and took a few pictures of the forests I drove through.

I also decided on my drive that I am probably going to Prague next weekend, no matter what. Unless the other UOP person begs me to wait, in which case I will. :-) So if Prague falls through I decided to try to see every castle in Poland. And there are more than you think! My first one will be in Ciechanów, which is only an hour away from Plock. And if I feel up to it, I'll go down to Warsaw too. I have already started making the list of castles to see. I'll be sure to let you all know how it goes!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

A Walk Through Plock, Poland

I went for a little walk today, in one of the rain breaks.  These are a few things I saw...
Walking Path
A few flowers along the path...

I'm not really sure what this statue is supposed to be, but I took a picture anyway.