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Sunday, August 1, 2010

Quick Trip to Germany

Sprechen sie deutsch?  I sure don't.  I hardly know any German, but lucky for me most people in Berlin spoke English.

Berlin was a neat city, it was a mixture of old and new.  Some of Berlin survived WWII, but over 70% did not.  There were 6 of us that went to Berlin.  It was a lot of fun to go with everyone.  We jumped on a bus on Saturday and drove all over the city.  I'm pretty sure we saw every major tourist spot there was to see.
The Parliament building - Reichstag

Me at Berlin Wall
We tried Mexican food for dinner - it is definitely the best I've had since I've been in Europe, but it definitely isn't the same.  When I get back to the US I'm getting Mexican and BBQ.  I could go for some of my dad's barbecued chicken breasts, sweet corn, potato salad, and a big glass of ICED sweet tea.  ICED being the key word there.

Anyways, the Berlin trip was great.  I liked driving on the Autobahn - it was like driving in the US!  Finally good roads!!  Our car didn't get any tickets - the other car was not as lucky.  They got one there and back.  All I'm going to say was that my car was all girls, and their car was not...  Take what you want from that comment.

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