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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Single and Traveling

For those of you who might be wondering what it's like to be single and traveling all of the time, I have my answer for you.  No one has prompted me to answer this question, but I thought I'd share my answer after I read this article about reasons to appreciate being single.  

DISCLAIMER: These are my opinions, and in no way am I discriminating against those who travel and are not single.

First of all, I haven't dated anyone in a while because at the time it seemed pointless, and to be honest it still seems pointless to me.  I know it could be worthwhile to try different types of people on. But I detest small talk and I don't want to waste my time getting to know someone when I have to leave the country the next week for a few months at a time.  Why start to like someone and kind of get attached to them so I can miss them while I'm in India or Thailand or Malaysia for the next 3-6 months?  That, and I hate rejection.  But really, who likes being rejected??

This experience of traveling "by myself" (I'm not really by myself, I have other crew members) has allowed me to really get to know myself.  I have been able to push myself out of my comfort zone and discover parts of me that I didn't really know existed.  For instance, if I arrived in Spain one day for an assignment and someone handed me keys and said "get to the refinery".  I wouldn't hesitate.  I am now comfortable driving by myself in another country where I don't speak the language.

I could keep going, but eventually I'd just end up repeating myself.  That always happens when I rant and rave.  I'm finally learning to stop myself before it happens... :-)  (Example B of me learning something new about myself)

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