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Sunday, December 20, 2009

Best Friends

It isn’t that I want to keep things private, although there are certain things I do wish to remain private; it is just that I have no one to talk to about some things. I have a lot of friends, but not one really good friend who I call once a week to tell her/him what happened. And there are a lot of times I wish I had that. I miss having that, because I did at several points in my life. I do have one person I talk to every day, but I can’t talk to him about everything. I suppose I could, but I think it’d be too much for him. But maybe I’m wrong. Maybe I’m underestimating him.

I’ve been to a lot of weddings lately. I guess that happens after you graduate from college. It’s the age to hurry up and get married to start your new “grown-up” life. Thank god I’m not there yet. There’s no way I want to be considered a grown-up yet. Ok – back to my thought – all of these brides have multiple girl friends who are their bridesmaids. I have a lot of girlfriends, but I don’t have that one who could be my maid of honor.

For quite some time I’ve been saying that I was just going to have my two sisters as my bridesmaids. The problem with that is that if I get married anytime in the next couple of years (I’d have to start dating someone first), my oldest younger sister will still be in high school. I talk to her and my other sister, but I don’t consider them my best friends. Maybe in a few years? I don’t really know who my best friend is right now. And I could really use one right now.


  1. Hey Liz, I totally understand what you are thinking and going through! Just as I left on assignment I was thinking the same thing...I have no one I can really tell my thoughts to whether they be good or bad. And now I am on an assignment where it's hard to go out by myself so when others are busy or not really into what I am into, I am by myself. Skype anytime!!!

  2. Hey girly! While we don't talk much anymore, I still think about you and care about you. I think its awesome that you have made something amazing of yourself (although you have always been amazing). I don't know whats its like, but traveling all the time for work has got to be tough, especially during the holidays. I'm glad you wrote this entry; it really reminded me of myself in a way. Steve and I have been dating for almost 4 years and are planning on getting married. Unfortunately like you, I have no one to stand up as my maid of honor, in fact, I have no brides maids either...not even any sisters or sisters in law! I have decided not even to have a regular church wedding because I would have no wedding party. I have plenty of people I know, but no real best friend (other than Steve). So I can say that I know how you feel about that. I don't have any good advice and words of wisdom for you. I just wanted you to know that you aren't the only one that has these similair feelings. I have a very hard time dealing with it, but I take advantage of what I have. Thanks for sharing. I miss you!

  3. I hope you think I was that person at some time in your life, you were mine...I don't really have that anymore either. There's no one I tell everything to. I really do miss you! I hope your traveling is going well. Call me whenever you want!
