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Monday, December 21, 2009

Think Happy Thoughts

I realized as I was re-reading my blogs (I like to think that what I write is worth reading again) that I sound so negative. I am naturally a negative person, more of a glass half empty (but at the same time figuring out what else I could add as long as it is free refills) kind of girl.

Here’s my positive thought for the day – smiling babies. I’m not baby crazy, and I’m nowhere near wanting children. But tonight I hung out with a few people from work, and one of the guys has a baby and the baby smiles non-stop. He’s the happiest little guy ever. I wish I could be happy all the time like him. He smiled at everyone, and I figured I could do that too. I once had a friend tell me to think about sparkling, and if you do, you can’t help but smile. (Guys, if you’re going to think about sparkling that’s great, but I don’t know that I’d broadcast it)

But I’m not smiling at the guy who works one of the elevators in the refinery. He completely offended me today. “What’s a pretty girl like you doing out here in a place like this?” He’s talking about a refinery. So I asked him what he was doing out in a place like this. Do I not belong out there? To me it is better than a desk job. At least I’m out moving around. Some men belong in the caves they came from…

I’m normally not a man hater either. Well… sometimes I can be. For the most part I get along with guys well because they get over things. I hate it when people hold grudges. I try really hard not to hold them. It takes up too much of my hate-o-meter. I’d rather use the hate when I’m driving to curse at people.

Take away message: Sparkle or just try smiling at people. Some people might smile back! I'm going to try it and I'll let you know how it goes.

1 comment:

  1. I don't want to take credit where credit is not due but...did I tell you to think of sparkling?
