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Sunday, December 20, 2009

There's No Place like Home

The Wizard of Oz has been on tv a lot lately, some consider it a holiday movie. I have been avoiding it like the plague. I’m so homesick that every time I think of my family I tear up. This last week some of my very good friends lost their dad. It was really tough on them. They are a very close family. But being a very close family, they had each other to lean on. I’m just sorry I couldn’t be there with them. I am stuck in New Orleans by myself, living in a hotel. You want a perfect place to be depressed – go live in a hotel room where it has been raining almost every day so that you can’t get outside to get away from the little hole you live in.

Anyway, I was depressed for the family. And what really got me is that when I called my mom to tell her, she ended up hanging up on me. I don’t know if she knew she did, but I was telling her that I loved her and she hung up. Needless to say I cried myself to sleep that night. If I even slept… The next day at work, which was my sixth day on this particular site so the people I talked to had only known me for a week, I looked terrible. My eyes were puffy, bloodshot. I was tearing up every five minutes. They probably thought I was crazy. I felt like I was going crazy. So with the death of a parent of a friend on top of the fact that I found out I would not be with my family for Christmas – I pretty much lost it. I cried myself to sleep most nights. I couldn’t sleep. I started to get sick. It was a pretty bad week. And I wasted a weekend in a city known for being fun.

I know it is up to me to make the best of my situation. But is it just me, or is it hard to do that sometimes? Any advice to get me out of my current funk?

1 comment:

  1. Liz I love your blog. You're a great writer and I love your perspective. I agree with everything. I wish I had some advice for you but I'm struggling with a lot of the same things. Don't let it get to you. Everyone cries themselves to sleep now and then (or at least they want to). Anyway keep writing. I'm driving back to Iowa through the snow and you made my day.
