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Sunday, December 20, 2009

My Louisiana Story

At the end of my rough week, I did have a glimmer of light. I went to this restaurant/bar I had been to a few other times – great fish!! I was going to go in, eat my delicious fish and sweet potato fries and salad, and go on about my business. After all, I didn’t want to leave my bed waiting.

I go in, sit at the only seat open, next to these two guys drinking beers. They had to be in their mid 20s, and they reminded me a little of one of my friends. I order a long island iced tea – it had been a rough week after all! The guys next to me start talking about the bartender, how cute she is, did one of the guys really have a chance, etc. The guy sitting closest to me (guy no. 1) asks the other bartender if guy no. 2 has a chance. She says that the cute bartender has this other customer who comes in to see her a lot, and he just got her number. There was no way he was going to get it by hitting on her for the few hours he had been there. The friend, guy no. 1, says that guy no. 2 needs to get a punch card, go 10 times get a date! Of course I laughed. They were talking loudly so it was like an invite into the conversation – right?

Guy no. 2 introduces himself to me and asks for my advice. Why should he have to work to get to know her better when she could just give him her number and he could call her to get to know her better? I told him that every girl wants the guy to work for her. To prove that he wants to be around her. Am I right about this?

I proceed to eat my dinner, the two guys ask me questions throughout. At one point the cute bartender asks the guy hitting on her, no. 2, what he’s doing that night. He tells her and asks her if she wants to come out. She tells him she’s not sure because she has to work doubles the next day. I tell guy no. 1 that she just dropped a hint. She told him when she’s working next. She wants him to come back to talk to her some more. Make sense?

They go on talking some more, flirting. An old guy at the end of the bar chimes in and tells him to tell the bartender that he likes her. To stop talking the talk and walk the walk. It was the high point of the night.

Guys: please take the older man’s advice. Walk the walk. Women don’t care if you talk the talk.

P.S. The guy gave the bartender his number, but he didn’t get hers.

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