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Saturday, April 24, 2010

Road Trip to Southern Poland - PART I

Alright, I know I'm not the greatest driver, but driving in southern Poland is a little too crazy for me.  First of all, if people want to pass you, it is courteous to move over toward the shoulder and let the person behind you pass.  And if there is a big truck or bus in front of you they normally signal to let you know it's all clear.  Some people must not have gotten the memo about the moving over... and that's all I'll say about that... 

Also - it is much hillier down here.  Definitely not flat like it is near Plock.  Some parts of my drive reminded me of a roller coaster.  And there are cows in field right next to the road with no fence.  BUT the cows are on leashes!  It's kinda funny looking.  On my drive back I plan on stopping a few times and taking some pictures.  I passed a lot of forests that would make for some really pretty pictures.

When I got to Krakow, I got a free upgrade for my room!  Sweet!!  I guess all of my nights at the Holiday Inn in Gonzales, LA paid off.  I even got a box of chocolate. :-)  Yum!  The hotel is right by the Square in downtown Krakow.  So I have been out walking around.  You'll have to check out my flickr account.  I have taken tons of pictures.  I have not posted them yet, but maybe later tonight after dinner.

I have already decided that if anyone wants to see Poland, they need to go to Krakow.  It's pretty awesome here and a lot more people speak English. :-)  So it's easier for us Americans who probably don't know Polish.

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